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Monday, November 24, 2008

The weekend...

On friday, I (for some CRAZY reason) left the warmth and comfort of my home, to brave the dreaded white stuff to drive into town to pick up Jenn and my sister off for her camp reunion. 

After the treacherous drive there, the next 8 hours were hell. We didn't know if we'd even be able to get home. My sister lost the address and couldn't remember the name of the town she was meeting her friends in. Our windshield wiper randomly flew off my car.. and after 20 minutes of struggling to figure out how to put the damn thing back on the car, finally got the whole grocery store in giggles, and, got help from the nearest cart boy. Thank God. Did get asked out by a cashier though. Interesting times.

Snow covered, snowing like a banshee.. the roads were awful.. but we made it. I decided that was it for me! So. Drinks and Get Smart ensued. mmm.. white freezies.. Next morning, 8:00,  we were baking bread! no no, not breadmaker bread.. I'm talking HOME MADE. And by 9:00 we were elbow deep in seasonings, making meatballs. THEN we trekked on over to the hardware store where we got metal cloth stuff and wood, and staples that you hammer.. and then attempted to make a ferret playpen.. WHICH WE DID!! :O I know, I was insanely impressed at the feats we accomplished. craziness. I am woman hear me roar!! OH! and neither of us have taken shop in school or anything. I know. impressive. 

So that brings us to Saturday night. I had to watch BabyBoy so that Dad could take the smallest sister to see Twilight, we watched WALL-E which was awesome. Loved it. then Jenn and I took a dangerous walk (yes dangerous! slippin, slidin, falling, OUCH) down to the ONLY PUB in my small town. It was.. quaint? There were actually people in it! :O This was surprising.. good drinks.. good wings.. then bedtime. mmmmm.

Sunday we finished our projects, and cleaned out the garage, and spent another 5 hours out and about trying to get my sister back from her weekend at the camp. The roads were dry, however people everywhere were in the ditch, and emergency response teams were everywhere. Terrible. After the first real snow, people think they are superheroes because they CAN drive in the snow.. so on dry roads its now acceptable to go double the limit weaving in and out of traffic?! I think not. Idiots. 

Either way. I feel like it was a very productive, yet cold weekend. :D


Sandi said...

I am so happy I live in SoCal! I don't miss the snow at all!

Lys said...

i've said it before, but i'll say it again...send the snow to me! everyone in the midwest gets to have snow, why can't the east coast?

wall-e = great movie. now go see bolt!

Medio Pomelo said...

send me some of that white snow too!! So far we received some weak attempts of the old lady shaking the snow duvet up there but all that has fallen turned into grey mash on the pavements. Good stuff about scoring a date with grocery guy! :)))

:Luvvie said...

Sandi- ya. Thanks. LOL.. I WISH I lived in California.. so jealous..

LuckLys- You can HAVE IT ALL.. is Bolt good? I wasn't sure how it would be.. lol..

Medio- lol.. deal.. and I wish.. haha and the cashier was DEFINATELY too young. oh dear.. lol

BloodRedRoses said...

Wall-E is such a fantastic movie! Glad you enjoyed it.

Luckily our snow has already melted. Which only means more is on the way!