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Saturday, September 20, 2008


For the last 2 years, life has been nothing other than chaotic. Between moving out, schools, jobs, and making a 9 month appearance as the wicked witch of western canada, I learned alot..

School, not my thing. ok, so I knew that back in grade.. oh.. 5.  When I decide on what kind of non- pencil pushing, non conforming career I wish to pursue, I'll return to the institute of complete boredom.. until then? I'll enjoy my freedom.

Work? love it! as long as its with people who love unconditionally, are smarter than the graduates of Yale and Harvard, and have hearts that can rival even the best do-gooders... people that society looks down on as inferior and unable  to make decisions beyond what cereal they want for breakfast.

Family. When the pillar of your household is yanked out from underneath you, things can only get better right?? Apparently wrong. At some point in time, people decided that the idea of a step parent is a good idea.. and the only rent I have left is searching for such a person. I mean really! Have people not seen Cinderella? Snow White? Both excellent examples of why steps arent a cool idea! It doesnt work out! ok.. so real life isnt that bad.. I hope..

Love. It actually exists?! News to me! I've seen too many broken relationships, hearts, and homes. People who have fixated on past relationships for years. People who can't move on. You're only young once right? I plan to make the most of it.

Hobbies? Who has time!? Between juggling school schedules, dentist appointments, ortho, eye doctor, physio, counseling appointments for 5 people besides myself? The 30 minutes between when I crawl in bed, and my mind stops reeling from all I've done, and what lies ahead tomorrow counts as hobby time.. not the ideal sitch.. but this is my life. 

And, just like everybody else, I'm looking for my happily ever after.

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