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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Back Floats and Rumors

So, I took the baby swimming today, which was very enjoyable, I must admit. Apparently the baby thinks he is invincible. One of the exercises is to have the children stand on an underwater table, and attempt to walk. My baby figured he could do it all on his own and wouldn't take my help. So, he walked across the table, to the other side, and.... off the end. Of course,I was right there, and pulled him up sputtering and coughing. I guess he figured he'd get it the next time cuz he did it again. And again. And again. And each time took that last step over the edge. And yet, every single time without fail, he'd try again.. I love that little trooper.

This evening, my dad's possey of coworkers came over, and cooked us dinner *bonus!*, drank red wine, and laughed into the evening. I enjoy it when they come over, they are a hilarious down to earth bunch that are just awesome. Except for the one lady who's phone announced to the whole town every time she got a text message, which was more than any phone-addicted teen out there. (Her reasoning was that she got 1500 texts/month and was apparently convinced to use them all up in our living room, amongst the conversations. Rude much?!) But that's besides the point. 

Either way, rumors that have been spreading around my dad's work came out in the discussion. Mostly when all the females in the room started getting antsy when dad, after 2 hours, hadn't announced his engagement, (news to me!) his wedding at Thanksgiving (our only plans being a turkey and cranberry sauce?), and reasoning as to why we took down the realtors sign from our front line (which were never there to begin with). Wow. So the real world has rumors and drama as well!! Will we ever escape the feeling of high school?! Please say we will! 

ok, enough of all this! Privileged awaits me, and I have a busy day of shuttling kids to babysitting courses, my brother to his gf's, and moms and tots.. loverly.. have a good one!

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