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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Going back to the Piggy Bank... They have lower fees for use...

This morning, I read Clever Girl Goes Blog: It's all about the Benjamins, and some of the ideas struck me as very good. So I decided to add a few of my own..

1) Spa night- What girl doesn't love a day at the spa?! I'll be the first to admit that I can go for an afternoon and drop $500 without even blinking! Until I go home and (after admitting how wonderful and gorgeous I feel) realize my bank account is giving me the silent treatment. So, how about a girls night in? Foot soaks, followed by some foot lovin, hand massages, a face mask, a hair mask, a clay wrap, a bubble bath with aromatherapy candles, a pair of tweezers and some pretty nail polish can go a long way in making you feel just as wonderful as a $300+ spa day. 

2) Outlet stores- So two weeks after stock is put out in major stores like Garage, Suzy Shier, Blue Notes, Bootlegger, even Costco, sends their over stock and 'old' stock (being no more than 3 weeks old) to these outlet stores that sell the clothes at 15% of the cost! CRIPES! Once I found these wonderful little havens, its the only place I buy my siblings clothes! I bought my two sisters new wardrobes for $140!! In some places, that would MAYBE buy 2 pairs of jeans, and 2 t-shirts. But they each got 4 pairs of shorts, about 10 tees, 2 pairs of pants, sweatshirts, skirts, dressier clothes, and a couple summer dresses!! Can't argue with that!!

3) Save your old clothes- When I was living in Edmonton, my friend Jenn came to school to pick up her little ones wearing a gorgeous jacket I had never seen before! Along with the Stepford Wives, I oohd and ahhd over this new piece! Later, she told me that it had been her jacket three years ago, which she had put away for a few years, and when she found it, she loved it again! And we all loved it as well! Moral? Vintage is in! If you hide away things you don't want to wear anymore, however you still have  a fondness for, and pull them out in two or three years, you have a new piece! woot woot for saving!

4) Sales days- In Edmonton, the grocery stores would have Cheap Tuesdays, when, on the first tuesday of each month, everything was 10% off. This would be our big shop day, when we'd get all our canned goods for the month, and stock up on all things non-perishable. My vitamin store would have 40% off 5 or 6 times a year, so I'd do a MAJOR shop. Enough to last 2 or 3 months. Check with your grocery stores, and see if they do something like this. 

I dunno, just some ideas to add to CleverGirl's list.. Have a good one!


Sandy said...

Found you through Clever Girl. All great ideas! Thanks!!

Tayla said...

Me too.........fab ideas

Anonymous said...

Love the spa day idea... I do it every once and a while and I always feel so much better.