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Monday, September 29, 2008

AHHH.. the sweet surrender of sleep..

So after a night of sleepless tossing and turning (why, when I'm sleeping on the couch outside her room, O needs to keep the brightest light in her room on, with the door open, I'll never understand) I had a pretty cruddy day. The baby was ornery, I had a headache that threatened to split my head straight down the middle, and for every bit of housework I did, it seemed that every time I looked at the house, there was twice amount left to do. 

So I came up with a new plan. Screw it! I instead kept the baby from letting out his shrill cries by lying on the floor and playing with him for the afternoon. As soon as M and O got home, I headed for the safety of a hot bubble bath. I then fell asleep on my couch-made-bed. 

After I was woken up by my grandmother calling to see if I wanted to go to the Carrie Underwood concert (Duh!) alone (WHAT?!), we ate dinner, which for once, was not a dinner I cooked! I then took the baby out to the deck to watch Dad mow the lawn, destroying the flower beds in the process. 

So tomorrow shall prove interesting. Dad's invited the whole crew from the office over for a little gathering tomorrow night. Grrrr. And baby and me have swimming lessons as well.. it shall prove interesting. 

I am now off to sleep once more! Have a good one. 

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