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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Trust- my story

I USED to have trust issues. Not to mention rejection issues that have stemmed from nothing but my own stupidity. I shall explain.

My mom married a man who had a 6 year old daughter. They had me. They divorced. He took my sister and I didn't see her again for 13 years. I haven't seen him since. a year and a half after he left, my mom met my dad. Seven months later they were married. He adopted me. The sperm donor did nothing to stop this. Which is fine, I mean- I've been blessed with the best Dad I could ever ask for- minus that crap last year of course, but who doesn't make mistakes?

Anyways, my parents had 3 more kids, and they were my sibs. I grew up with them, and know them. That's cool. But then my sperm donor went and got married to a woman who is only 3 years older than my sister (EW) who had a 4 year old daughter. He accepted her as part of their family and they had another little girl 3 years ago just a few days before my birthday. Now, that's fine with me. Everytime this happens, my sister calls and says "Good news! We have more organs for transplant on order!" This cracks me up. But that's not the point. Point is, he had 4 'daughters' introduced to his life. He chose them all but me. Which took me a long time to get over. 

I just have issues trusting anyone enough to let them get close. I have a few close friends, and I know a whole lot more about all my other friends than they know about me. I keep distanced so that I don't feel the need to divulge too much info about myself. Maybe I'm afraid of them using it against me. 

Trust is a brutal thing. Opening yourself up for hurt and disaster. I guess we can only hope that we are trusting the right ones. 

*note- these are past feelings.. I've gotten over all of this and am VERY grateful for the wonderful father I have now.. :) **


Sandi said...

I have so much to say about this. I am not even sure where to start. I want you to think of the huge blessing your bio dad gave you by letting your dad have you and adopt you and raise you. He didn't give his other offspring this gift only you. They may be jealous as hell of the life you got to have that he didn't give them. I don't know. Just a thought...

I get the trust issues, I have them too, but not for those reasons. I love you!!

Anonymous said...

Btw,I was six when you were born.

Anonymous said...
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