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Thursday, November 27, 2008


SO not cool. I promised myself that I wouldn't get hooked. That I wouldn't do it. But I did. It started with just attempting to read a few pages to say I tried it. But now? its like a drug. I CANT GET ENOUGH .. now.. what? you ask.. what am I talking about??

Well, what is every other woman/ girl obsessed with at the moment? That's right. Twilight. GOOD GOD. I love those books. I KNOW I'm behind jumping on the bandwagon, but, c'est la vie. I can't even explain how irresistible Edward is in those books. Mysterious.. a gentleman to the point of insanity.. LOVE it.. 

WHICH would not be an issue. However, my little pain in the butt sister loaned out the third book.. so I'm WAITING.. not even attempting to be patient.. lol.. that would be plumb crazy.. for this book to be returned. Which could be next week, the week after.. theres a good chance I might cry. I read the first two yesterday.. CRAP!.

Anywho.. I'm gonna go sob into my cereal.. (thats a lie. I hate cereal. but I shall be sobbing!) 


Sandi said...

email me your address. I will send mine to you!

Unknown said...


Welcome to the club, dear!