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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

HBI- What Constitutes Life??

***NOTE: I fully realize and accept that I most likely will lose the few consistent readers I have, however I started this blog for me. Not to be recognized for my writing, although that is pretty neat, however to just be me. For me. In this one case, I will not apologize for what I believe. And if it offends, there's nothing I can do. 

An old friend of mine told me 3 months ago that she was pregnant for the third time. The first she carried to term, and delivered a beautiful baby boy (who is now a holy terror), my godson. The second, she aborted. The third she is carrying to term. She doesn't know who the father is of any of the children. 

Now, I'm a pretty accepting person. But in this kind of case, I'm at a loss. You would think that someone would learn from their mistakes. I also understand that people make mistakes. We are only human. However when you aren't ready or very good at coping with the first one, how exactly can you justify a second?!

It is my belief that every child is a gift. I have worked with kids long enough to be able to say that with full certainty. When a woman conceives, a CHILD is living within her. Not a fetus. Not a piece of tissue with no life. A child. Yes, a woman's body is her own, and should be able to choose what happens to it. But when the decision can take the life of another human that they created, it's an issue. 

We've accepted abortion as a way out. You make a mistake, you get rid of all evidence. Doesn't seem right to me. Admittedly some people shouldn't have children, however if those people are irresponsible enough to get pregnant to begin with, they should own up, and consider adoption as an excellent choice. There are thousands of people out there looking for a child to love, who can't have one of their own. 

Now, what about victims of rape? 
I can't even imagine what these poor women and girls are going through when confronted with such an event. However, the emotional pain and distress of abortion itself would put her through even more emotional pain as well. It's something you don't forget. Again, adoption would be the best option, in my opinion. 

Please don't write comments telling me in no uncertain terms that I have no clue what I'm talking about and to go to hell... But please DO let me know what you think.. 


Anonymous said...

Hey, I actually agree with you, some people just can't become parents, like me, jaja (at least right now). Anyway, I also think (and this is widely seen in Argentina, my country) that people have like 5 or more kids and they die of starvation or malnutrition by the age of 6...or they become "paco" addicts (they're our "crack addicts") sentence: Some people can't have children.

Stephanie said...

Who knows how I found this blog but I just glanced and saw this post about abortion.
Thank you for taking a stand for LIFE.
I am sorry for all of the pain in your life. I will pray for you.