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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Random Thought

Last night, I watched Goldilocks and the three bears on tv with my baby sister.
Most know the story. 

Goldi finds the bears' cabin, tries each of their bowls of porridge. One is too hot, one too cold, one just right. 

Then she tries the chairs. One is too hard, one too soft, one just right.

And finally she tries the beds, where the first is too big, the second is still too big, and one just right. 

Then Mama, Papa, and Baby Bear find her in the bed and they scared her away. The End. 

And yet, only one question came to mind. 

Among the story, we find family in discontent. An upset relationship. Something not quite right. 

Because if not, ....

...Then why did Mama Bear and Papa Bear have separate beds?! 

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