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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day #9

8:24 AM

One thing I'm starting to learn and love about Africa is you can get away without learning everyone’s names very easily. You call ladies 'momma or mummy’, men ‘pastor’, and children either ‘brother’, ‘sister’, ‘my daughter’ or ‘my son’. Culturally, this is all acceptable. We have learned you go to the fundi for fixing of anything, our fundi is a seamstress. Tina pointed out a street boy who will carry our bags for a few shillings, and we’ve learned how to trade street kids a piece of pineapple for their glue bottle.

On Wednesday, after ladies group we are bringing Lily back here to stay with us for a few days. Give her some time off, and we are getting our hair done which will apparently take over a day, but will be worth it since we’ll be Kenyan apparently. Our newest challenge at the moment is trying to figure out which fundi Tina uses, so we can get the Katanga we bought made into clothes.

I don’t ever want to leave here! It’s amazing! Last night we didn’t think we’d be back in time for dinner, but we were, and kind of put Ibrahiem in a position, asking him for something so late, just a bowl of soup would do. Shoulda known he’d do better than that! Spinach stuffed steak in a delicious sauce with fried potatoes and onions and zucchini? Wowzers. We might bring him home!

7:38 PM

This morning we called Jimmy for our ride, but had issues with the car so after he finally let us skuma (push) a bit, we just took pikis to the home. Oy. There’s nothing like being on a motorcycle, on the highway, going 85 without a helmet, for 20 min. I can hear my dad and grama yelling at me from here. All I can say is numb butt. In a skirt no less! Although, Jenn did talk on the phone during that ride, so she deserves more yelling than I do!

Then we got another surprise. We got to the church late, so the worship was done. Dalton gets up and says ‘Before Sister Breezeyallie and Sister Jenn come up to speak,’ and that’s all we heard. We kinda looked at each other and went uhhhh… ok! Guess we are talking.. hmmm.. So we opened the Bible, pointed, and went from there. Seemed to go alright.

After the service we had lunch, and actually ate it all, which made Lily very happy, which made us feel awful since it was the first meal we were actually able to finish. Then we found out they wanted us to dedicate the twins, so we agreed to do it in church next week, and arranged t5o take the twins tot the doctor, gotta take care of our namesakes/ Africa daughters! Oh! And we got measures for some skirts, which should be interesting to say the least.

Then we did a toothbrushing demonstration, which went alright, Jenn and the kids had a toothbrushing party right there at the pump, twas adorable. Then we had the kids pick up the garbage from around the home, and played duck duck goose.

Jimmy finally picked us up, and we headed into town. It's fun trying to explain Canadian customs/new words to him. We were trying to explain to Jimmy that you have to woo a girl, (because he's such a lady's man) so when we got to the store, we were parked too close to the curb and I couldn’t get out. Jenn was already out and Jimmy started fixing his parking job. Jenn w as confused so Jimmy yelled ‘I’m going to woo her and we are going to elope!’ I think I scared a glue boy with how fast I jumped out of that car.. whoops.. my bad..

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