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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A rant.. about Stepford Wives

I have mentioned the Stepford Wives in past posts, so I figure the time has come to explain what and who I mean.

While living in Edmonton, I worked for a well-to-do family, and the little girl I worked with went to a pretty decent school. Everyday, after school, the parents and nannies of the grade 2 kids would  gather together in the little area off the hallway where their classrooms were. 

There were cliques. Yup, cliques among the parents.. you had the parents who hovered outside the door waiting for the exact moment the bell would ring so that they could bounce into the classroom, grab their kids, and talk to the teachers- they were, in general, very bubbly. Then there was my group, the nannies and down to earth awesome moms. Then there was the Stepford Wives. 

Now I'm not one to judge.. In general.. and I like everyone! but in this case? I made an exception. The Stepford Wives were a group of about 6 moms who had perfect gel nails, perfect hair, too much make up, wore Gucci to school, and always looked like they were about to go down the runway- all the time. 


This alone would not have been an issue. But they were so fake! It was awful! They were like those evil b****s in high school that smiled to your face and then talked about you to everyone else. And they were so shallow!! Two of the worst lines I ever heard in my life were uttered by these ladies;

1) 'Oh my god! This morning, the stars all aligned and my hair and makeup just worked!!'

2) (in response to oohing and ahhing over her boots) 'Oh these old things? I need new ones! I got these ones like.. last week!'

NO JOKE. oy. my word. I don't even know what to say. 

I just stared. Mouth open. Thankfully I was saved by my best Edmonton Nanny friend Jenn. 

These interesting specimens always stand around, gossiping. When I moved home, they all made a huge deal of it at school, even though I really don't know them all that well.. and were upset I didn't call to tell them!!

Anyways.. I figured I should explain about these interesting creatures.. especially because I'll probably talk about them again.. so there it is! My rant..

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