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Friday, October 24, 2008

Kids are my Passion

So, I ranted about how I still want to be a kid here

So now i want to tell you why I love being around kids so much. They are amazing. Fabulous. Their little minds are just so creative and wonderful! A child can see how I'm feeling better than some of my best friends.. they are very astute. They give hugs freely, and love unconditionally. You can just be you. And they are the cutest little guys ever!

I've heard some VERY cute things come from these little ones. 

My little brother Zack was pounding away on our keyboard. I asked him what exactly he thought he was doing?! 'I'm writing a story!' came the happy reply. I played along, "What's it about?". "I don't know!" he replied. "I can't read."

Ah, that child was some kind of cute!! So mischievous!! or...

I was running a daycamp a few summers ago, and a little guy, William (age 5) came up to me and told me that he knew where chickens came from. 'Eggs!' he stated, very proud of himself. I smiled, and then he said and he ALSO knew where chicken nuggets came from. Interested, I asked where. He said, from "Baby chickens! They are too little to be from mommy or daddy chickens!"  too cute! he was convinced he was amazing because he knew all the answers. 

They are soooo sweet!! BabyBoy, the other day, came and sat in my lap, grabbed my face in his hands and proceeded to tell me this long winded story that went something like this; 'garble garble giggle ba geee daa yee'... and here I am, thinking about what I have to do all day, and everytime I look away, he stops, turns my face till I'm looking at him, and then continues with his story. Ah man.. I love it!

1 comment:

Medio Pomelo said...

:o))) Very sweet! :)))
The other day I "talked" to my 3-year-old nephew, Gus, on the phone. After he said "Hi Aunty Dori" he kind of ran out of conversation so his Mum was helping him. I could hear her (my sister-in-law) say: "ask your Aunty: what are you doing?" So my bright little nephew went: "Aunty Dori, what am I doing?"

That's stupid adults for you and too clever kids :)