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Monday, July 5, 2010

Day #3

5:32 PM

Africa Adventure day #3 began with a quick trip into town to the cybercafe to send out some quick emails to let people know we're alive, and at 1 shilling (approximately 1.5 cents Canadian) a minute, we can sure get used to these prices! Then John and Dalton drove us around the town and pointed out different areas and buildings explaining what they were. One area we stopped in is called the 'dirt bin' which is basically a garbage dump that is home to a group of street boys that rely on the food and clothing scraps in the garbage mounds to survive. The smell, even 20 feet away made Breezey and I almost sick to our stomachs, but with Dalton as our guide, we sucked it up and headed into the mounds where people where rushing over to meet the muzungus (white people); we plan on going back on Wednesday to bring them some food and soap, both of which are in very short supply for them.

Then onto the orphanage, Muzungus! Muzungus! It's all we hear! Yes, we are white, yes this facinates/ scares away many children and causes many long stares while driving down the road. The looks and such/ sending children running and screaming muzungus were starting to concern us, but we have the solution! Candy! From handing candy out the windows of the car to the local kids on the streets today, we made about 50 new best friends! Luckily the 'don't take candy from strangers' rule doesn't apply.. now we white people aren't so scary!!

- Jenn


5:45 PM

Last night when we got home, we were too pooped and too tired/ lazy to go get food for dinner, so we went without, and I fell asleep about 7:30 pm. However, I was wide awake at 1 am and remained awake until 7:30 Aam, and then fell asleep, waking up at 8:30. We were to be picked up at 9 so we didn't have time for breakfast. Very very very unwise since what we ended up doing today required energy, of which we had none.

Today we got dirty.No, not just dirty.. Grubby.. The kind of dirty that takes a scalding shower and 25 min of scrubbing to feel human again. That's what happens after you spend the morning plowing the land/ weeding the garden. With this really rustic hoe kind of thing, while attempting to communicate with the women who only spoke swahili. They thought we were hilarious. I thought I was going to die. I wore jeans because it's been pretty chilly the last few days. And we didn't bring sunscreen with us to the home. Brilliant, I know!

After about an hour of that, we went in for tea and lunch. We gave them the photo album and we spent the next hour explaining everyone and everything, from proms to why makaylie was sprawled out on the hood of my car outside of Giant Tiger. After we went through it with Dalton and Lillian, the children came in to show us the new petticoats they were wearing that we had bought them. Then they gathered around me to and leaned in to look through the book a few times. When I explained to Valentine who grama was her face lit up! So beautiful!

After that we went out to play frisbee and throw balls with the kids. Of course they all had to throw it all at us, not to one another, so we narrowly missed frisbees to the head numerous times. This lasted about an hour, with some chasing, tickling, and such thrown in for good measure, until we had to leave. One  of the women sent us home with a roasted corn on the cob that was chewy and tasted like popcorn.

Mmmm dinner. So at Karibuni Lodge, we have three course dinners for about 9CDN. Like 5 star, amazing, delicious, fabulous dinners. Yum.


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