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Monday, August 10, 2009

Always loved, Never forgotten.

One year holds so many things...

Smiles... Laughs... Problems... Solutions... Sunny Days.. Chilly Nights... Travelling.. Birthdays... Anniversaries.. Holidays...

So many things make up a year. So many things happen. And you don't realize how many little things you take for granted, until you lose someone close. You don't realize how much you miss the little conversations, the constant annoying msn messages and the consistant nose butting into our lives.

You don't realize how much changes, how much this single event, this one person leaving your everyday routine will change you. How when once you were patient, forgiving and open, you find yourself frustrated, angry and harsh. When the silliest reminders make you cry, and feel like your heart is breaking all over again.

One year. But seems like a million.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Growing up, I never had a real urge to get married. I want kids, but have never wanted what I considered the hassle of a husband. I never really could grasp the concept of real, true love. I saw fairy tale love which I considered a sham from the first. I'd seen too many broken relationships to fall for such foolishness, even though in a dark corner of my heart, I longed for it to be true.

Sounds ridiculous, but in the back of my mind I've always had the notion that we have a type of family curse. Not too many women in my family have survived one marriage, most making it through at least two or three. I've always had a thought in the back of my mind that I don't want to go through that kind of hurt.

But then something happened. No, I didn't meet his eyes across the room and know that true love exits. This isn't even about a boy, or at least my boy. This is about two people I hold close to my heart. A dear friend of mine, Katrina, and by extension, her new husband, Levi.

When I found out they were to be engaged, I was surprised! Time flies and I hadn't really realized how long they had been together! When I was talking to Katrina, I only had one question, and being as I didn't know Levi, nor had seen them together, I think it was fair. "Do you love him?". Katrina's answer was a resounding "DO I?!"- and coming from Katrina, that is all I needed. I was instantly happy for her.

She knew my feelings on marrying young, how I thought people were getting married too young, and not giving themselves time for adventure and to enjoy their youth. She maintained that she was still going to have adventures, and what's better than to enjoy them with the person you love most in the whole world?! I can't argue with that!

Then I saw a picture of theirs, an engagement photo. They are both under an umbrella, and looking at one another. They both look so happy, so in love, so blissful. The love that shines there is unlike what I have ever seen before Mature. Giving. Selfless.

Then, the wedding. I must tell you, she looked radiant. Absolutely stunning. And they looked amazing together! The way they looked at each other was- well, there was no other word for it than epic. The love that shone from their faces was so pure.. so unhindered.. so.. amazing.

Now they are off on a VERY extended honeymoon, three months or more travelling around France, Europe and heaven knows where else! Katrina is certainly getting her adventure!

I shan't lie. They have definitely laid all of my past doubts about marriage to rest. When you see them with one another, I think it might be worth the risk..

So here's to Katrina and Levi, long may your love last.

<3> Mhea